Introduction to
2 min readSep 13, 2020


Overview. is predicated on the idea that open-source software should be used as a base for future developments, does exactly that! It not only seeks to provide more stable yields, more pools, tokens, and ultimately better rates but also addresses the fact that all current lending aggregators are ETH based. will be a blockchain agnostic, interoperable platform and lending aggregator. Remember Nexo, Celsuis, etc? Gone.

How it works.

When you stake your DAI, ETH, USDC, USDT and TUSD on for example, will find the lending pool with the best rates and send the tokens to be staked. Upon cancellation, will sell the rewards from the lending pool on Uniswap for uFFYI and burn it. New yields are issued in uFFYI and can be sold on Uniswap. All pools hosted by will get equitable shares in uFFYI, which makes for more stable yields in pools. DAI and KNC staking pools.

How we differentiate from the competition.

Like we mentioned in the intro not only seeks to provide more stable yields, more pools, tokens, and ultimately better rates but also addresses the fact that all current lending aggregators are ETH based. will be a blockchain agnostic, interoperable platform and lending aggregator. also changes the structure of rewards by offering 2 tokens. One being uFFYI which has no maximum supply meaning that the lending pool is open-ended and will scale as users deposits and the platform grows, these uFFYI tokens are then staked for the platform’s governance coin FFYI. FFYI has a limited supply and is capped at 60000 FFYI. This will enable holders to vote on motions and determine the future of the platform! Governance token FFYI

We are also working on a revolutionary concept that will change the fundamentals of staking and yield farming! will introduce ETH wrapped pools, which means users will have exposure to a pool of yields! More on this later, we don’t want to ruin all the surprises :)

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Interoperable lending aggregator #DEFI. 100% community-driven.